Sunday, October 28, 2012

LA Confidential vs. Double Indemnity

Still 1
Still 2
In these two shots you see two "murderers". Both of these shots are close ups of their faces. It's possibly done so we can see their eyes and expressions up close.
The first still shows Edmund Exley after his first kill. He killed a couple of boys who escaped from jail. He's killed someone for the first time without thinking. He looks bewildered and full of fire. The second still shows Phyllis Ditrechson after killing her husband. While she didn't do the actual task, she still looks somewhat pleased and is also full of fire. She has that creepy, murderer look in her eye.
In both of these shots, we see people right after the kill. They both have this killer fire in them. They have this devious look on their faces especially Phyllis. Ed has this psychopathic look.
All I can say is...they both like killers. Both very psychopathic. And both have this glint in their eyes.

Persepolis entry 2

This was an interesting section to read and a bit difficult at parts. One interesting visual parallel happens on pages 29 and 51, the violence/torture sections. Both panels of the violence do not have borders. They're as if floating in free space. Both of them show horrible things going on those pages.
One of the written parallel is on pages 43 and 51 (these can also be seen a bit as contrasts). On page 43, Marjane's father says "Let's enjoy our new freedom," after the Shah's fall. But on page 53, we get stories from Marjane's parent's friends about prison. We have the one man saying "you remember the day they pulled out my nails? They have grown back since. But not in a normal way." And the part about the nerves in the feet. At first we have talks of new freedom and then we see these people who were treated horribly, tortured in prison. The contrast part is that Marjane's family was not affected by torture. They were well off. And then we see these tortured men. Satrapi even draws them gauntly and miserable.

The frames in this section are very interesting. I went a little bit in to it with the parallels, but I'd like to talk more about them. Satrapi dedicates big frames to important things like the violence and celebration. On page 42, the whole page is just one frame. And in that frame people are celebrating and are happy. That frame is supposed to focused that people are finally happy that the Shah has stepped down from power. They' The words in the frame say, "The day he left, the country had the biggest celebration of it's entire history." This shows that celebration of freedom is important. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

In the book Persepolis, there are a few paralles and contrasts in this book. One parallel that happens in the pages we read is on page 8 where Marjane first talks to God and also on pages 13/14. It also continues on page 16. Religion is a recurring theme in this book because Iran becomes a religious country in this book. This is a parallel because we see Marjane and God talking to each other. We also see their relationship diminishing. Which shows that Marjane is becoming less religious. In the first "scene" or panel, we see God calming down Marjane. By page 13, Marjane does not want to talk to God. On page 16, God leaves in the third panel and in panels 5 and 6 Marjane looks for him and doesn't find him. She takes that as a chance to ask her parents to demonstrate on the streets.
Marjane talking to God can also be seen as a contrast. She goes from enjoying God's company to not neccessarily being too happy from it.

Another contrast we see in the book is on page 6. The first panel of the page is one big contrast. I've already read the book, several times because I really enjoyed it, and I know what happens later on. In this panel, Marjane says how she's religious and modern at her core. Through out the book we see both parts of Marjane. I've got to admit that that panel is one of my favorite in the book. The art style is fantastic. The Modern Marjane looks very blockish and straightforward, but the Religious Marjane has a very fluid art style around her. There are black artsy lines around her. They're very curved and soft. I wondered why that panel was not bigger since the two Marjanes are important in the book.

Monday, October 8, 2012

I took this shot during the pep rally we had. I just wanted to show my friend how I spent my morning. I wanted to capture the scene. And I think I ended up getting the chair up and center, but meant to focus more on the projector.

I took this picture at Costco once again for a friend of mine who hates the tv Big Bang Theory. I meant to have the dvd framed and centered. It's framed by the box and the dvds to the side of it.

Wow. I take a lot of pictures for friends. Mainly because my phone is the only camera I have around and my parents took my nice camera with them when they went out of town. But in this situation, my tv froze because of bad connection and I took a picture for my friend because I found it funny. And the tv is framed by the walls and the speakers.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

This shot seems to be a mix of shots. It's a close up shot of the legs, but also the torso of Witwer after he was shot by Burgess which is a medium shot.
This shot is created to show dominance of Burgess. It also frames Witwer as a victim. And interestingly the blood stain seems to be right in the center of the shot. Burgess is not shown completely and you only see his dark legs. We see Burgess from the bottom which shows dominance. The darkness of the legs shows the darkness of his character. Witwer is on the ground and we see his torso which possibly means we're down on his level looking up. We can also see his eyes looking up. The blood stain is in the center so the eye automatically goes to it and we see that he's hurt. This shot is created to show the badness of the bad guy. He is shown as strong and the "good guy" is gonna die.